While blankets offer comfort, electric blankets provide unparalleled warmth, making them a popular choice, especially in colder climates like California. However, concerns about safety often deter individuals from fully enjoying their benefits. By adhering to sensible electrical safety guidelines, you can minimize or eliminate potential hazards associated with electric blankets. Here are some crucial tips to ensure safe setup, use, and storage of electric blankets:
- Conduct Regular Safety Checks:
- Electric blankets, like heating pads, are linked to approximately 500 residential fires annually, with most incidents involving blankets over 10 years old.
- Regularly inspect your electric blanket for signs of wear or damage, such as dark spots, frayed cords, malfunctioning control units, or exceeding its recommended lifespan (typically up to 10 years).
- Ensure the blanket carries the endorsement of Underwriter’s Laboratory for added safety assurance.
- Safe Setup:
- Avoid using electric blankets on adjustable beds, sofas, or recliners, as the heated wires may become pinched or overheated.
- Do not run control cords between the mattress and box spring to prevent friction damage or fire hazards.
- Always spread the electric blanket flat without folding, rolling, or bunching it up.
- Safe Use:
- Refrain from allowing infants, small children, or individuals highly sensitive to heat to use electric blankets.
- Position the blanket on top of you rather than below, and avoid sitting or lying directly on it to prevent damage to internal coils.
- Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the blanket to minimize the risk of overheating.
- Keep pets with sharp claws or teeth away from the blanket to prevent damage to wires or insulation.
- Never leave an electric blanket unattended for extended periods and unplug it immediately if you detect smoke, sparks, or unusual odors.
- Safe Storage:
- When not in use, unplug the controls from both the blanket and the wall outlet.
- Loosely wrap cords around the control unit without pinching or straining them and store them in a small bag.
- Fold the blanket in large, loose sections to avoid sharp folds or creases and store it in a cool, dry place.
- Do not wash electric blankets in washing machines, dry clean, or use cleaning solvents, as these can damage internal components.
- Avoid ironing electric blankets, as the heat may melt the wire insulation, leading to safety hazards.
By following these electrical safety tips, you can enjoy the warmth and convenience of electric blankets while minimizing potential risks and ensuring long-term safety and functionality.